We at Stony Hill United Methodist Church Welcome you and your family.
Stony Hill United Methodist Church "Welcome to our church family"

We at Stony Hill United Methodist Church Welcome you and your family.
To follow Jesus, make deciples, and transform the world.
We are dedicated to spreading the love and teachings of Jesus Christ to our community and beyond. Through our various ministries and programs, we strive to make a positive impact on the world around us.
Kairos Prison Ministry is having a weekend for Kershaw Correctional Facility in Kershaw, SC. This program helps inmates change the direction of their life. The program teaches how following Jesus changes lives in a Christian direction. Were collecting homemade and store bought cookies for this event, please have them delivered to SHUMC fellowship hall by 10 March 2024
Baby Bottle Boomerang for Pregnancy Resource Center of Stanly County. Change a life with your spare change! All the baby bottles for the Baby Bottle Boomerang were distributed, if you didn’t get one, you can fill a jar with change to help support the PRC’s cause! These bottles should be returned (full or empty) by Palm Sunday.
We welcome you to our Easter Sunrise Service. On Sunday March 31st we will come together at our beautiful open air stage/pulpit to worship together, sing together and hear an uplifting message from our own Pastor Kaye Fry. Our service starts at 7:00 am, we look forward to seeing you there!
Our United Methodist Men again will be making breakfast after Sunrise Service, Easter morning. Breakfast will be served in the Fellowship Hall for all to share. Come enjoy a meal with us and show the UMM how much we appreciate their service to God and our Church
Everyone is invited to join us for our Easter Sunday service at 9:00 am in our Sanctuary. Our service is live streamed to our Facebook members and friends, and audio broadcast to our members and friends who may choose to hear the message from the comfort of their vehicle in our parking lot.
Answering the call to share Christ's love, Stanly Community Christian Ministry provides assistance and support to our neighbors in need.
There are many ways they serve our community. Food Pantries, Community Tables, Financial Assistance and their Clothing Closet are just a few.
Every month SHUMC collects requested nonperishable food and household items for Stanly County Christian Ministries. All donations are gathered and taken to SCCM to help get the collected items to our neighbors and community that may be in need.
We provide a meal for children at a local elementary school. We deliver sac meals to the school for distribution to the children who are in need of a meal when food is not readily available. If you would like to help with this ministry, please notify Pastor Kaye.
Kairos is a Christian, lay-led, ecumenical, volunteer, international prison ministry in which men and women volunteers bring Christ's love and forgiveness to incarcerated individuals and to their families.
This program's vision is to have a community spiritually freed from the effects of imprisonment reaching all impacted by incarceration, through the love, hope, and faith found in Jesus Christ. The program’s mission is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.
Come browse a great collections of Stony Hills history. There were many contributors that shared some of their charished memories that allowed Phil Loweder to build this trove for us to enjoy moments in the past.
With your loving tithes and offerings our church can continue through these very trying times. You have a few options as to how to donate:
WNCCUMC.org: A giving portal is now available through the conference to submit tithes and offerings to any United Methodist Church within the Western North Carolina to make a donation or submit your tithe to Stony Hill UMC, simply use the DONATE ONLINE HERE button below:
Complete the form on the link, with “Stony Hill UMC” as the church, pastor as “‘Kaye Fry”, the amount you wish to donate, and the bank account or card information for payment. It will also ask you to designate the church fund ( such as General Fund, Missions, etc. ) Once a month, the conference will remit the donations to the specified church, minus the 2.9% convenience fees (unless you choose to add the amount of the fees to your donation). The 2.9% Convenience fees are charged by the credit card companies. No fee is being charged by the Conference, and there are no additional fees or service costs for the churches. This is a free resource from the Conference to our churches. We thank you for your generosity. If you have an immediate need the church can help with, please let us know!
Prayer isn’t a ritual that depends on closing our eyes and putting on holy faces. We don’t have to kneel or sit. We can pray while walking, driving, or working. God responds to a two word cry for help in the middle of a busy afternoon, just like He does to a focused prayer time after reading Scripture in the morning. Praying doesn’t have to be complicated. God delights in any simple words we offer Him.
Pastor: Kaye Fry
Ministers: The Whole Congregation
28996 Stony Hill Rd. Albemarle, NC 28001
Church Phone: 704.982.7211. See below for Pastor Kaye's contact information.
Dear Congregation of Stony Hill and media friends:
If these are typically the Sundays that you contribute your tithe to the church, you can mail your check to the church address at 28996 Stony Hill Road, Albemarle, NC 28001.
Be safe!
Pastor Kaye
If you need to reach Pastor Kaye, please call or text her cell at 336-596-3667. Pastor Kaye’s email address is kfry@wnccumc.net. If you Facebook, send her a friend request.
Like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter! Check them for upcoming worship experiences and activities at the Church.
Prayer Concerns:
Our State, and our Nation, Community Schools, Ophelia Riggins, Ophelia Blalock family, Pastor Kaye, June Reedy, Isreal.
Shut-ins :
Ruby Pickler, Barbara Stoker, Karen Smith
Jacob Kime, Joseph Miller, Jarred Morton, Holder Rimmer.
***If you have a prayer concern that you would like to have added to, or deleted from, our list please email Kathy at kjohnson3426@gmail.com
Taking care of our neighbors and ourselves makes for a stronger community. Looking out for one another ensures a safer and happier neighborhood. If you are concerned about a church family member give them a wellness check call.
When we all do a little, we can do so much!
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